By Dr. Gail Cloud, D.C.
Finding our own way
Irregardless of other people’s sway
Is a hallmark of growing up
Staying young at heart
Is not at all the same as being stuck in the past
Not allowing ourselves to separate the wheat from the chaff
Where we are the wheat and others are the chaff
None of this is an easy task
Making space for us alone
Can feel extremely scary and a heavy ask
Yet is the only way to safely allow others in
Without sacrificing our very soul
As doing so exacts a heavy toll
To learn how important each and every one of us is
And to accept who we are even when we disagree
Or even when we shed what doesn’t fit
That is what growing up is
To live and be ourselves to such a degree
And that is what helps to set us free
In this coming New Year, what do you need to let go of to set yourself free to be you? This is a great time to meditate on how you can express yourself and be yourself even when others and family judge you or disagree. The pull to belong is a heavy pull. Can you feel the pull to belong to you?
Wishing everyone a very happy holiday. May you find acceptance and peace and love within you.
To schedule a BodyPresencing session for chiropractic/body work, Astrology, or Inherited Family Trauma work, email me at: gail@bodypresencing.com., or call: 314-995-9755. Check out my website as well: www.bodypresencing.com.